Sometime when your Realtime face device's memory is full and it starts showing Transaction Full and you want to clear the logs or If you want to refresh the device and delete any or all enrollments, All these can be done using software or from the device directly. Note:- Before deleting anything from the device, make sure you have already taken backup because once you deleted the data it will delete whole data till the current time and will not be able to recover. How to Take Realtime Device Data Backup? Delete Punch logs from any Realtime Devices using Realtime Attendance Software. Login with any Realtime Attendance Software and C onnect Device using LAN or USB . Note:- None of the face devices will get connected using the USB cable. Go to data Transfer and Click on Delete Data From Machine , and it will delete all the Punching Logs in the device. Note:- If the software is below Realsoft 10.8 means if the software is 10.6 or 10.7 it will ask you...
thankyou so much for the tutorials, i appreciate your work of biometric installation.