Realsoft 10.9 is the most widely used Software for Realtime Biometrics devises this software is compatible with all rea lti me biometrics devices. And also this light w eight software with the MS A ccess database with most User-friendly software so people are more familiar with this.But as we all have seen that from 1st of January 2020 this Reaslof 10.9 software got a serious bug due to that all monthly reports went blank. Yes it's fine you can get Daily or Weekly report but Monthly report shows Blank or sometimes in below version of softwares like Realsoft 10.6 etc it shows Cannot Open SQL error. Now How to rectify the issue... Obviously, if the most used software got the bug then very quick this software got the update, but the problem was that how to get update this? There are two options to Rectify the issue. Get the New Realsoft 10.9, Yes, you can Download the latest Realsoft 10.9 software and in the new setup, there is no issue. And else just downloa...
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